Orange County Fathers’ Rights Lawyer

Orange County Fathers’ Rights Lawyer

Orange County Fathers’ Rights Attorney

Whether you’re going through a divorce, a legal separation, or you have a concern regarding the custody of your child, consult with an Orange County fathers’ rights lawyer. It is common for fathers to be taken less seriously in legal matters than their child’s mother. It can be wise to acquire legal counsel from a professional who is well-versed in parental rights and paternity laws.

The team at Moranda Law Firm, APC, can help your family no matter how complex the situation may appear. Our law firm has assisted countless clients and their families in resolving legal issues, including whether they happen to be contested or uncontested. Clients have sought help from our legal professionals and have seen positive results in a variety of family law matters, including divorce, spousal support, child custody, protective orders, and more.

Orange County Fathers Rights Lawyer

Do Mothers and Fathers Have the Same Parental Rights?

According to California Family Code 3010, both parents are equally entitled to custody of their child. While the law is expressly neutral, that doesn’t mean it’s as simple when it comes down to court proceedings. Often, fathers are subject to stereotypes and outdated expectations when it comes to their desire and ability to provide for their child, especially within custody battles wherein they may be at an advantage and their parental rights aren’t fully protected.

Dads, as well as mothers, have the right for a legal advocate to fight on their behalf in mediation meetings or if a conflict reaches litigation in court. The court is always meant to act with the child’s interests in mind, not favoring one parent over the other — meaning each parent should be allocated certain custody privileges, such as authoritative power or visitation, in a fair manner depending on their relationship with the child, financial stability, and other factors.

Obtaining an attorney for your child custody case in Orange County, California, will ensure there’s a professional present to protect your rights as a father and that you may make a case regarding your right to legal or physical custody, child support, or other related matters. It’s possible to approach child support or custody without legal counsel, but as a father, you should be aware of the unfortunate disadvantages you could be limited by and know that a strong attorney can make matters easier.

In addition to having the same parental rights, it is also true that mothers and fathers must both share responsibilities concerning their children, including providing for the child financially, offering emotional support, protecting them from neglect or harm, and other duties inherent to being a parent. This means that fathers have the same access to child support payments and the right to take legal action if the child’s mother doesn’t follow court orders.

What Does a Fathers’ Rights Lawyer Do in CA?

A fathers’ rights lawyer can help you no matter the details of your circumstances, including whether you were previously married to the child’s mother or if you’re an unmarried father. Unmarried fathers who co-parent with the child’s mothers are not automatically allowed the same assumed rights as married fathers without first establishing paternity.

A fathers’ rights attorney can assist you in the process of establishing paternity, which is generally encouraged for fathers regardless of their relationship status with their co-parent. In addition to helping you with paternity and related problems that may arise from that, your fathers’ rights lawyer can help clients enforce the terms of their custody order and support agreement along with other important legal needs.

Your attorney can help present your case in all legal settings, providing experienced insights on the various laws and what options are available to you, including obtaining you a fair custody agreement and/or child support arrangement, defending you against domestic violence accusations, and when necessary, filing restraining orders.


Q: Do I Need a Fathers’ Rights Attorney in CA?

A: California law does not require you to obtain legal counsel, including a fathers’ rights or family law attorney. However, retaining a qualified professional to represent your goals and provide you with informed advice in all legal matters related to child custody, support payments, etc., is always recommended.

The legislature assumes that mothers and fathers are entitled to the same rights, but this does not mean dads don’t frequently deal with unfair assumptions and receive less regard in court settings.

Q: What Does a Fathers’ Rights Lawyer Do in California?

A: A fathers’ rights lawyer can ensure that your parental rights are protected in and out of court so that the child’s mother does not take advantage of the situation, leave you with minimal custody and ability to see your child, or ignore paying child support/creating an unfair support agreement. A fathers’ rights attorney also handles matters surrounding paternity, accusations of domestic violence, modifying previous orders or agreements, and more.

Q: What Legal Rights Does a Father Have During a Divorce in CA?

A: Fathers going through divorce or separation have the right to be involved in their child’s life, including spending time with their children, participating in responsibilities concerning the child such as making medical decisions, having access to school and medical records, parenting and disciplining his children without the co-parent interfering, and having equal authoritative power over the child’s upbringing, education, religion, and other important matters.

Q: Do I Still Have Equal Parental Rights if I’m Unmarried in CA?

A: Without first establishing paternity, fathers who were never married to their child’s other parent are not presumed to have the same rights as fathers who divorced or legally separated from the child’s mother. Even married fathers are sometimes advised to acquire proof of paternity in order to avoid any legal issues during child custody proceedings.

Competent Family Law Firm That Fights for Fathers’ Rights

Moranda Law Firm, APC, understands how stressful it can be as a father when trying to get a fair child custody arrangement and fearing you’ll be pushed out of your children’s lives. Contact our office today to schedule a meeting with a family lawyer who can strategize your case based on the specific circumstances and ensure your rights are protected.


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